
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Sisterhood Against Sexual Assault
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
This is a LIVE replay of A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast which aired Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 at 1130am ET on Fireside Chat.
***Trigger Warning: This podcast contains discussions of sexual assault. Listen with care and if you are looking for resources, please visit, SASA28173.org ***
Lorilee Binstock 00:02:16
Welcome. I'm Lorilee Binstock and this is A Trauma Survivor Thriver’s Podcast.
Today's guest is Dayna Corcoran, founder of the Sisterhood Against Sexual Assault, a profit foundation supporting survivors, and families of sexual abuse. It was created to help victims of sexual violence by providing training learning and awareness of sexual assault.
Dana, thank you so much. For joining me today. I really do appreciate it.
Dayna Corcoran 00:03:24
Yes. Thank you so much for having.
Lorilee Binstock 00:03:26
Of course. Well, first of all, could you share a little bit about
your organization sister again, sexual assault?
Dayna Corcoran 00:03:34
Yeah. And we call South here in Black called, North Carolina, just the abbreviated version.
Lorilee Binstock 00:03:39
Dayna Corcoran 00:03:40
It it's a newly formed five zero one non nonprofit organization.
That has a community centric mission to provide a safe healing space for victims and survivors to the sexual assault.
We carry out program to protect people from sexual assault remote awareness,
as a well, as to provide education in the support, and we
Just started the first week of January.
Lorilee Binstock 00:04:03
Oh, wow. So this is very soon.
Can you tell me
what made you guys want to start this organization?
Dayna Corcoran 00:04:12
Yes. Prior to January,
nobody knew about Salsa none of us ever
anticipated be becoming a group of
women or members of this group.
It was the...
Probably the fifth of January.
It was a Friday afternoon noon at four Pm. I was getting ready to leave town, and I got this phone call, and everybody that knows me know I never answered the phone.
Lorilee Binstock 00:04:35
Dayna Corcoran 00:04:36
But it was it was like, one of my girlfriends here in Miller Community and West.
And it wasn't it was odd. She was calling me as opposed texting.
I am at the phone as I was running out the door, and she had said, Dana, I'm in the hospital. I'm in, Charlotte.
I don't know. I'm new to the area. I don't... You know, I don't know where to turn. I just need somebody to talk to and I need somebody to pray for me.
And from that, she told me her story that had happened to her the week prior. So it was just... Over the New Year eve holiday in the Dominican Republic.
Lorilee Binstock 00:05:13
Do, I I don't know she
feels comfortable with you sharing a little bit about our story.
Dayna Corcoran 00:05:17
Lorilee Binstock 00:05:19
Would you be able to do that?
Dayna Corcoran 00:05:19
I'm sharing an information with arabic victims approval.
She's also written out her story and she in the process of going through therapy and the she's... More comfortable. I know that she's gonna be her own advocate, and she will show be the platform that we speak on to talk to other victims and survivors of the sexual assault.
So she's on vacation with a friend in the Dominican Republic.
Justice her and her friend at an all inclusive resort, So we you know, we travel. We think those are safer players to go to.
Lorilee Binstock 00:05:53
Dayna Corcoran 00:05:55
intends the nightly
organized functions. You fifteen being night the fun night,
it's still broad daylight on the day of her herself. She's at the...
At the restaurant the lounge bar area outside in I say that because in order her to piece her incident back together,
she had remembered that it was daylight.
The sun hasn't set yet, it was still early. She's enjoying a beverage,
Lorilee Binstock 00:06:18
Dayna Corcoran 00:06:24
and flash forward a few hours, she wakes up on the side of the road in the Dominican Republic.
So on her story,
video, Surveillance, and what she couldn't recall as time goes by,
she was having a drink.
So she is filmed being walked out of
the all resort,
put in a car
approximately four hours later, she was pushed from that moving car, landed on the
sidewalk, which woke her up to trauma from the from falling out of the car kind of woke her up.
Lorilee Binstock 00:06:59
Dayna Corcoran 00:06:59
realized she was laying in a pool of her own blood,
the it was right back to front of the resort that she was taken from.
The resort staff came out and took her to the local
you know, makeshift hop, they're not, like, our hospitals that we go to, but it was more like gay,
a makeshift,
hospital urgent care in the Dominican Republic
she realized she had been drug
kidnapped. Obviously, she was taken off the resort.
Lorilee Binstock 00:07:27
Dayna Corcoran 00:07:29
then really imaginative attacked
with an object sexually attacked with an object. That created approximately a ten centimeter
gas internally,
Lorilee Binstock 00:07:40
Dayna Corcoran 00:07:41
which led to the need for
medical attention.
So she's getting to the medical attention in a... In... Which is great. I mean, their job was to keep her alive. They did that,
but it was in a
non discreet room where the
the... The... You the surgeons that were helping her were in
t shirt because That were inside out. There was no glove, but there was no...
It was stupid obvious that wasn't a professional hospital.
Lorilee Binstock 00:08:06
Oh, goodness.
Dayna Corcoran 00:08:10
immediately received
live transfusion
because of the... She had lost so many,
so much of her own blood that she immediately received the blood... And she was allergic to it right away. Immediately got a rash.
Lorilee Binstock 00:08:22
Dayna Corcoran 00:08:23
Something's wrong with is the the way it, you know, worked with her body or something was wrong with the blood to begin with, but she needed it.
They su her her. They gave her the blood. They
they... You know, they antibiotics the everything that she needed.
But as she was going along, they kept saying, well, if you want this done, you have to pay a thousand dollars you want this and I need to pay a thousand dollars?
And it they had... The... The the financial end of it was... This is why I'm saying all of this is because
the only time they had brought an interpreter
that she could understand what was happening to her. It was
along with the police department there. It was to assigned to her that if she didn't pay this bill in debit or cash or Venmo or, you know, money in hand,
Lorilee Binstock 00:09:09
Dayna Corcoran 00:09:09
she would be taken directly from the hospital to the police department and held,
Meaning they wouldn't let her leave unless she had paid this money. So as an aftermath,
you think, okay, The assault led to the need for medical attention. So this orchestrated
from the bartender at the of the resort,
who she... Who who's was the only person that was near her drink ties her.
Would have
put something in her drink, led to somebody walking her out, led to the sexual assault
Lorilee Binstock 00:09:41
Dayna Corcoran 00:09:41
that led the need for
this massive medical attention.
And she
had a horrific deal. While she was at this medical facility. She
she's screaming She's gonna a place that nobody speaks English and and the
physician just kept telling her.
Don't scream are women here and don't do that. Don't don't act, like that don't do that.
And she said, I just wanna go, I wanna go home and they said you need to call your family
Lorilee Binstock 00:10:04
Oh my gosh.
Dayna Corcoran 00:10:08
and tell them where all your
you know, life documents are where your will is, where you because you are not going to survive this.
So they gave her a phone, They let her call her teenage daughter from a different country,
Lorilee Binstock 00:10:20
Oh my goodness.
Dayna Corcoran 00:10:21
which involved pin.
You know, oh my mom. Her. She's in this... And and and then everybody started sending money.
To pay for the medical
bill it doesn't get her physically out of the country.
So she's she told them. I wanna leave. I'm leaving
Lorilee Binstock 00:10:34
Dayna Corcoran 00:10:37
- You're going into kidney failure. If you leave, you will not make the the flight home.
She leaves. She get. Like she paid the big thousand dollars bill. She, you know, borrowed from her son was college fine, She brought from her friend.
She brought she exhausted her
retirement. And and all the way that she had access. You she's a single mother of multiple children.
She did it, but she could to survive. To get out of that country who obviously set her up to this.
So she on that she could get on a plane on the way home with Charlotte.
have got elephant titus ever her leg in her face.
She was going into kidney failure. She arrived at the Charlotte Hospital,
And that evening
had a minor
heart attack in her sleep due to the strap.
And when they did the exam on her
the doctor starts pulling out this god.
God. God. They had packed term
something to stopped of bleeding, but you could get attention a bacteria infection.
Lorilee Binstock 00:11:39
Dayna Corcoran 00:11:40
The doctor hearing said they did not intend for you to survive that.
Lorilee Binstock 00:11:44
Dayna Corcoran 00:11:45
While she was there, she contacted the police department. She tried to file a complaint. She complained to the
the resort
it didn't go anywhere In until the the was getting on the claim, the
you have the
Dominican Republic police contacted her and the said. Your your report on file that the right department needs to be filed with the sexual
assault department, and you have to do that in person. And course, she said, not a chance I'm getting on the plane that I'm going home.
Lorilee Binstock 00:12:14
Dayna Corcoran 00:12:15
So this is... She she called me that Friday and just said I need prayers and she started crying. And you... This woman was new to our neighborhood.
Lorilee Binstock 00:12:21
Dayna Corcoran 00:12:24
She relocated her family in her job.
I had met her and passion at a
neighborhood the phone party. We and she moved into the ladies house and we were really good friends like, it was a very
superficial relationship
because it was very new and because it'd be pivot of the different ages where we're doing a different
and she didn't know that I have a history with
that I'm a federal agent, and I work for home security
which is separate, obviously, from Nasa, but that I have a history of the devastating sex time. So like, she as got led her to call me and act in asked just for
Lorilee Binstock 00:12:59
Dayna Corcoran 00:13:04
support and gotten support and prayers.
being the picture that I am, that information came in, and I thought, okay. Not the hospital she saved
now that's she's in Char, what can we do
now to help her?
other than the Funko group, we actually did the
the zombies that we did mom
flash over How we and that how I had met her the few weeks before Halloween and I called all this the mom that I said, and the... Again, it is made up of people that we see at functions and
Lorilee Binstock 00:13:30
Dayna Corcoran 00:13:41
not everyday life and we met the group, and we said, we are going to
work together to raise the funds to at least pay back
you know, what happened to her, she shouldn't have to pay for
Lorilee Binstock 00:13:53
Dayna Corcoran 00:13:55
sexual assault
or the
the aftermath.
Herself. I mean, it was her that was sexually assaulted It was... It... You know, that should be constantly forever we living being victim and victim.
Lorilee Binstock 00:14:01
Dayna Corcoran 00:14:08
Having to dig her out of holders what we knew at a community we could do to help her. So from that,
within the next three days after
South was born the district against sexual assault. And
it started off of the group of fifteen of and now there are almost four hundred of us on the private facebook page, which anybody is welcome to
Lorilee Binstock 00:14:28
Oh wow.
Dayna Corcoran 00:14:32
within the first seven days,
our community and our local
female owned vendor and is very specifically female owned because that's
the page that we had started with was just women
just so we didn't share her information out too far. But the neighborhood
vendors and the women at our local salon. We see those fabulous times distal lane,
even our self handing lady
no at because she donated
her time and her finding, you know, the business and we we raised over ten thousand dollar in seven days.
Lorilee Binstock 00:15:11
Dayna Corcoran 00:15:12
Are we're both the Fas women in West,
North Carolina, the small town. We all moved to. We
are local twins south,
donated their time and they they donated large check, and
we did a basket raffle, and we made sure our local vendor
that five made our shirts
within two days. It was
crazy and insane, amazing how quickly it came together all the same pod.
And then later on, when we discuss sexual assault, and some of the reasons why not reported,
we can talk about how
these these women and the majority of them had never met her. They came out
to function after function after function, volunteered of their time, their money,
everything that they could and they still had never better up until two weeks ago, when I had a a fast gathering at the house,
we're having this
another fundraiser. This car game center is a and I I get up, and I I I think everybody's are coming, and I sent our a excellent halt survivor that we treated in santa for a year. And half the members didn't even know that.
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:25
Oh goodness.
Dayna Corcoran 00:16:25
So she she
thanked everyone, and it was like...
it's amazing at this age and and our stage in our life, but there's so many people that are supportive
to other women or even any anybody that's a a victim of sex little felt that they don't even know.
You know, I can donate eat money on Facebook. I can say, you know, here's your fifty dollars per your fundraiser, I think it great.
But these women were... These are still donating their personal time,
Just, because they want to help her in the situation she's been in which I agreed that super crazy the the story that she tells
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:55
Dayna Corcoran 00:17:02
the story that happened to her from start to,
is a forty eight hour episode. It is something that
she is fifty six. You know, she's not eighteen on on spring break. She wasn't
somebody that is not educated that they're not that's the loose that out to party and, you know, go to these places and not be aware of your surroundings. It can happen to anyone at any time in any situation.
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:25
Yeah. I mean, that just listening to the story, it just... It it breaks my heart.
Dayna Corcoran 00:17:33
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:34
But it's so inspiring how this community of women really came together for this person. Many of them didn't even know.
Dayna Corcoran 00:17:41
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:42
Wow. I mean, I... Oh, gosh. That's just gives because me chills how beautiful that is because I feel like, you know, we need more women supporting women, and
Dayna Corcoran 00:17:49
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:51
I just... Wow.
I I can't
I I I know that your your
deep... For your organization, I know you're talking about awareness and prevention and training,
but it seems like
something internationally
that happened
there's there there
other things that we need to also worry about, because she couldn't even file a complaint or she did, and it was with the... And then
Dayna Corcoran 00:18:13
Lorilee Binstock 00:18:15
do you have any sense of
what we can tell people who are traveling
overseas, especially
to to be aware of certain situations and potential stories just like Dana.
Dayna Corcoran 00:18:31
I will say that
from this... And in even from our very first
you know... And in there's fertility, that may have reduce context assault, but there are so many people that have lived through
some typing in of event. An incident that is similar. You know I mean, this one is is big, but that were similar They I had come up to us and I wanted the Dominican public. There's another in the small community that we're in
that they had seen somebody put something in their drink. And they have reported it. And and... And the...
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:05
Dayna Corcoran 00:19:09
It goes back to everyone goes back to the bartender center, it goes back to the and go back to the hotel it goes back to the law that not being enforced on these
and the
residential, you know, these these all included places that we pay to go to. They're not being held accountable. So at least what we can do here is put out a awareness and put out
travel awareness. Don't go to... And that that's what we're in the stages of doing now. The Sas happened so quickly at the beginning and we were so focused on fixing and helping being in
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:31
Dayna Corcoran 00:19:39
giving our survivor what she needed.
Finance she needed financial help. She needed Thomas Therapy. We have a few therapist in our Community alone that offered their services for free.
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:46
Dayna Corcoran 00:19:51
She was... One of our therapist here,
please term with the top trauma therapist in the area she immediately got in, even though there was a second a month wait.
She started her therapy right away, which I know was helpful for her?
And and through that, the therapist said you need to write down your story. And when you feel comfortable, you need to take it to the news and when you feel more comfortable,
you need to take it to the Dominican Republican and you feel more comfortable. You need to take it to Do and rally for the right to survivors for sexual assault, and that's what our long term goals are,
therapy intensive weekend camp for survivor and their family members. Because are the type of things this fast I would like to fund,
like, she had the grown children. They may not wanna go to therapy every week to talk about
how or they can't because they're not local.
So we would like to fund... Let's go to this family camp for three days. With a set of platform with something we can build from
survive this. We're she's going to I'm going through it every day, and I wasn't paired. It didn't happen to me.
Lorilee Binstock 00:20:58
Dayna Corcoran 00:21:00
We... You know...
And that's another thing with
We... The first thing we did was, okay, we're gonna make these baskets while we're making these back to rattle.
What can we do to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody else we went online. We purchased the cup covers, which we have and we give out to people, it's kind of like a sticker, but it doesn't ruin your glass. You poke your straw through it,
But in her situation that wouldn't have helped because we believed that the bartender was in on
her kidnapped, which is
how you're doing research online and talking to other long officers that is how
they coordinate their organized crime there It it goes all the way back to the bartender centers so that nobody
nobody. I mean, who do you think your pains... You know, you're you're getting your drink from a a bar tender at a reputable plane.
You don't think things like that. We don't think things like what.
Lorilee Binstock 00:21:51
Dayna Corcoran 00:21:53
we research the
these drink kits where we can test your drink. It's kind of like a Covid test. You gotta take your drink out, put it in there.
We researched the... There was two
college kids from North Carolina actually that started the nail polish that if you dumped your nail polish in the drink, and it change colors if then at something in it, we couldn't find any more information on that. Maybe it's not going on anymore.
There has to be it an easier way
I mean, we shouldn't have to protect ourselves from our own dreams, but they're happy will be away what we can do that.
Lorilee Binstock 00:22:25
Oh, yeah.
Dayna Corcoran 00:22:29
So our short term goals were to help our survivor, our long term goal to therapy, and we have
I asked her. Actually, you know, when she came back
and we had started with Casa,
we set up a meal train, which was immediately packed for two months. So people came and it left food at her door we started to go find me. We did the fundraiser, but I didn't
Lorilee Binstock 00:22:46
Dayna Corcoran 00:22:53
go over to our house. I didn't sit down with her because I knew other people were doing that. I knew she had to go through these steps on her own. I didn't wanna interview her. I didn't want to, you know, crack the case and I didn't want to do that to her because that's not what she needed, then I waited a we And then I taken over a package for her with pajamas and and things that were donated from the neighborhood.
Lorilee Binstock 00:23:08
Dayna Corcoran 00:23:15
And through my conversation with her,
I just I noticed her,
like, lean down and, like, picket or toes and how like what are you doing? And she why I guess it I won't be getting a white pe.
Ever again. And I noticed that even a week later,
her pe was stained with her own blood.
Lorilee Binstock 00:23:34
Oh, my goodness.
Dayna Corcoran 00:23:34
It she had been
you know, she's been pushed out of the car, You know, the thick gel, it is scraped in the blood that in there so much
Lorilee Binstock 00:23:41
Dayna Corcoran 00:23:44
it... And I I was like, oh, my gosh. It was
an awakening for me to watch this happen to her. So some that, we asked her
what can we do as a group to help other victims and survivors of sexual assault when that happens to them? What did you need?
In that hospital, which she everything she had gotten sick, vomit in her own bed, and they said, just cover it up.
And roll over. And so she had been throwing up from this medication and then and she had essentially lay in her own
Lorilee Binstock 00:24:13
Dayna Corcoran 00:24:17
vomit and So that's not hopefully that doesn't happen in Us hospital here. But
what can we do here for victims and sexual assault when they leave?
The... Or when they're at the hospital getting there and. And are one of our founders, Jennifer she reached out to the Emergency room in Bird.
Charlotte and
our local emergency room here off at Providence Road
along with the information that our survivor Angie
Gave us. She said, you know, I could have really used a views ago.
I could have you really need math loss. I could have used
Lorilee Binstock 00:24:48
Dayna Corcoran 00:24:52
close, you know, you're... She's left in the bloody dress that she was playing in for three days. But here in the Us, they would leave in
you know, like, the hospital gown
Lorilee Binstock 00:25:02
Dayna Corcoran 00:25:03
Wasn't bit more
than sitting out of a stop or having to get in the car with your mom or your dad in a hospital little gown.
When you have to go to the hop, it will be... When you have to go to the
Cvs to get your medicine or or whatever needs to be done we made a list of things that people
when they believed the post examination and evidence collection without feeling victim,
we had these kids donated from every one of the neighborhood,
you know, the kitchen travel went like, the shampoo, and the body wash. We went to five and below. We bought pants and underwear and face cloth. Like, she, I wish I could just have wiped the blood off my face because people were staring at me
Lorilee Binstock 00:25:33
Yes. Yeah.
Dayna Corcoran 00:25:47
ties. Know just...
Lorilee Binstock 00:25:49
Dayna Corcoran 00:25:50
I don't that you need basic items. We bought back, and not I'm just script bag,
and we packed them and each bag for us cost of approximately twenty dollars to make, which is great. But
which is which is reasonable
for everything that was in it. But when we went to the hot formation, we have we needed of this.
You know, we there's a few programs around here that do them, they donate
both certain items, but there's nothing we can give them as a bag.
Which is where the emergency room care package program came from through.
It... But there three hundred
sexual assault kits that were done in the emergency room in Charlotte area in one year.
So times that by twenty dollars, has a lot coming from a brand new non profit foundation.
But we... Well once we heard that we're, alright, well, we're gonna have to front the money for this because we wanna make sure
that everyone that goes into that hospital comes out or something. So we're doing the process of making those
And I'm sorry, you said awareness with the international week. So she's gotten to a point where
we're posting
travel advisor.
Where our entire
group is posting information on,
you know, like, a travel
heads up, if you will, Like,
And people like my girlfriend be my girlfriend texted out me the other day and said, hey, my my daughter got a lot of friends on spring break going Dominican Republic.
What was the name of that resort again? And these are people that are vulnerable.
Lorilee Binstock 00:27:20
Yeah. I kinda wanna know too.
Dayna Corcoran 00:27:22
Yeah. I again I and I don't know how that I I'm good I can... I send it to you. I can attach it. I know it was
in the Dominican Republic in Put, and it was a chips resort, but is happening
Lorilee Binstock 00:27:32
Dayna Corcoran 00:27:34
at all their rewards. If something similar as happening? Mean when you have math, people going to vacation,
you know, there's
there's even cruise lines there's things that
everybody's detection me because they're listening I
So there's
it's bad thing happen everywhere. But with something it that this...
Normal thing, like this that is issues this and and this going back to why we went one of our long term goal is to do early education
to both male and females, but in the schools, do early education.
It's obvious it's this sexual, So I was gonna traumatized her and her family forever. But
Lorilee Binstock 00:28:13
Dayna Corcoran 00:28:14
one sec incident the sexual can do the exact same one
at a party or one college party where somebody,
you know, is passed out and the guy thinks out that she said, yeah. Earlier and now she passed out what they're gonna happen. They have to realize that, you know, their fun time hook at at this party that they saw
Lorilee Binstock 00:28:26
Dayna Corcoran 00:28:33
she was
contextual to will lead to a lifetime of unresolved, trauma, if not,
disgust or if not prevented.
So that's... And and obviously, that's a long term goal, we're we're eight weeks into them. And we've already
started the foundation we have we're
we have insurance and we have bank account and we have all these things, and
this is amazing. What what people we have done?
Lorilee Binstock 00:28:58
That is amazing.
I mean, it's amazing. You're doing so much and you're here. Talking about it and spreading awareness, and and I think that's wonderful.
Do you think that there's anything that
we should be... Like, do you think they were targeting?
Dayna Corcoran 00:29:16
So so maybe on the Internet research and
of the Dominican republic or Mexico or anywhere where you travel
specifically to this type of crime. They're targeting
men and women and in statistically,
for the international crimes the men
because she felt comfortable reaching out to her friend group. I don't know that if it happened to my husband or somebody that in the exact same situation, but of a male in her situation would even admit that doesn't happened to them. So they're hoping that
Lorilee Binstock 00:29:46
Dayna Corcoran 00:29:51
you know, they...
She... Her fight or flight was... I wanna record it and I wanna get home to my children. So she left knowing that that was her decision. And then we have to go back and find it.
I would think in a similar situation, a male
victim would be less
you know, receptive to reaching out. And and, again, I pulled the statistics of men versus female
victims and it in one of the and reason people don't report it is
sadly, it's a common phenomenon. It's the victim blaming.
And when she
Lorilee Binstock 00:30:26
Dayna Corcoran 00:30:28
told me this story. I mean, I've literally typed it up as she was saying it, and I sent it to our our zombie group, and I said...
I said, this is not a joke. This is not... I the first thing I had to say was this is for real because it sounds like it was written by, you know, James Patterson, and this is gonna be the movie. And
Lorilee Binstock 00:30:45
Dayna Corcoran 00:30:47
because of every stage that she went through, it just got more horrific. So so biggest done the research on the Internet was... You know, they they they knew that she had come with a companion, but they weren't they were friends. They weren't together. They were in separate room.
She... He he went to bed early every night, and she stayed out there. They they've found her. They watched her. They waited a few days.
And they knew him. They know they come there for seven days five days, whatever the minimum night is, and they wait until it's the end.
And then the all happens.
And they... And just the people that have access to money. You know, my... Eighteen year old goes this spring Right, she might have my credit card on her phone, but she doesn't have a way to get eight thousand one dollars in cash.
Lorilee Binstock 00:31:22
Dayna Corcoran 00:31:32
So they all people that
Lorilee Binstock 00:31:32
Dayna Corcoran 00:31:34
look like they have money. Older women that he'll had access to money.
I you know, I'm in my forties, but I couldn't imagine that fifty six
then happening.
Or any
Lorilee Binstock 00:31:46
Dayna Corcoran 00:31:47
level of sexual assault happening. But you... You know, you know, you you go in college and your mom horns you, You know, don't look look around before you get out the gas station.
Then do that at fifty six, Fifty seven, forty seven and what are the aging? Well, you're constantly not looking over your shoulder because... I'm not in high demand. You know? Don't happy What in that one, that wasn't the case The kid wasn't. I want to sexually you saw you The case was
Lorilee Binstock 00:31:59
Right. You're right.
Dayna Corcoran 00:32:11
this sexual assault is gonna happen because you're gonna pay the money.
Lorilee Binstock 00:32:15
That's horrible.
Dayna Corcoran 00:32:15
And that's how she... That's what she feels happens. The the the way that the bills were given to her, individually. It was like people were getting paid for different things.
It was it
she's lived. She lived
through the worst situation that anybody and in a different country
where you're... And you're told you're not gonna survive it. And
So when you come back and you tell this crazy story,
who's gonna believe you. And that's a common reason why people don't
report sexual assault, and then victim blaming. And she been said when I talk to her, I'm not blaming myself for what I wore. I'm not blaming myself because you know, I keep myself together. I'm not... And that's great. And and I'm glad that you can do that because
Lorilee Binstock 00:32:49
Dayna Corcoran 00:33:01
it it was horrific and nobody
you know, nobody asked to be sexually filtered, and we have to remind our children our our girls are void that that at any point in a new situation,
regardless what we're happening leading up to it, when but you don't want something to happen. It shouldn't happen.
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:18
Right. Right. And and, you know,
many of us go out on our own
Dayna Corcoran 00:33:22
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:22
and and that's scary that we have to really be on the lookout
for... I mean, even even here our states side,
Dayna Corcoran 00:33:28
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:29
you know,
anything could happen Bartender could easily put something in our drink. Is there's is there anything that we should be aware of
Dayna Corcoran 00:33:32
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:36
as far as that goes when we're going out on our own say,
Dayna Corcoran 00:33:39
Well, yeah. Going out on your own yet,
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:41
Dayna Corcoran 00:33:41
I don't go out on your own. But,
you know, the... That came up too when we were discussing it one of our members I went to more of the
the Charlotte
we're like something with all and immediately when she realized
because you know what you can drink and what you can't drink in chronic. And when you immediately she realized something didn't feel right. She called somebody and they go man. You're slur like, something's wrong with using really out of it. And she said I think something happened to me, and they came and picked her up. So just
be aware. And, you know, I saw one of those commercials on The other day, and it was what... You know, you you do a hand signal no nobody knows those? Do you do...
What should we do with that? Maybe we should come come up with a word or come up with a names. And if you go to the bartender,
and you say, you know, you can say, I think I've been drugs. They'll take care of you. But if you're not comfortable in saying that or somebody's following you or
stalking you
assaulting you verbally assaulting you are being a crowd of maybe there's something you we can come up with that they can say to the to a Bartender or bar owner or a
receptionist is that that will get the attention that they need. So maybe that's something we can come up with, always we having it out
always having your phone location on now that we have those. You know, we back in my bar days, we didn't have those
Lorilee Binstock 00:34:57
Dayna Corcoran 00:35:02
And so I'm just looking over this staff how to make sure we retire. Why do why are people not reporting their users because they're are afraid of not being believed,
Lorilee Binstock 00:35:10
Dayna Corcoran 00:35:13
nine times out of ten is a family member or somebody, you know, you somebody that has access to you,
The majority of sexual assault are not reported only, three hundred ten out of every thousand sexual assault are reported to police.
Meaning two out of three go reported,
it's just...
We need to make sure that our youth are middle aged our older every
stage of your life. You know who to contact.
Lorilee Binstock 00:35:36
Dayna Corcoran 00:35:39
We have a very good
North Carolina
organized company called Rain rave
National network or the national network
Lorilee Binstock 00:35:46
Dayna Corcoran 00:35:49
that how a hotline line
I'm... I've sent you everything we can attach it or whatever you needed.
Lorilee Binstock 00:35:53
Yep. I can all I can absolutely put that in the show notes. Definitely.
Dayna Corcoran 00:35:56
Okay. Obviously, if you're in the immediate danger called nine eleven one, tell them where you're at. Let them know what's happening. I would rather my daughter or my south call every time I thought something was happening,
than not... We and atlanta are non in law enforcement. We are just a profit organization.
Lorilee Binstock 00:36:08
Dayna Corcoran 00:36:13
Maybe like, a middle, a conduit that's a happy face where you can come to me, and then I anything I think that happened.
What should I do? We have
all the resources and and pant you need that we can
send to you or... We've had people in the neighborhood, say my daughter was raped
many many years ago,
I just kinda needed it. I could... I kinda need this. You know? I I need I need a home for my sadness, and that's what we're for.
We... Just... We have volunteers that can come meet with you. We we don't have out legal advice. We don't
we don't do anything like that. We're just the middle man that that can help you feel better about reporting your situation, and we can help with fundraising
any type of support that I needed?
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