Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Transformational Healing
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
This is a LIVE replay of A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast which aired Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 at 1130am ET on Fireside Chat.
Today's Guest is Corinne Coppola, Mental Health Coach, IFS Practitioner, Trauma Recovery Specialist and Founder of R.E.S.T Retreats.
Lorilee Binstock 00:01:06
Welcome. I'm Lorilee Binstock and this is A Trauma Survivor Thriver’s Podcast
Thank you so much for joining me live on a Fireside chat you can be a part of the conference
station as my virtual audience. I am your host, Lorilee Binstock.
Everyone has an opportunity to ask me or our guest questions by
requesting to hop on stage or sending a message in the chat box
I will try to get to you as soon as I can, but I do ask everybody be respectful.
Today's guest is Current Cop, mental health coach, iss
practitioner trauma recovery specialist,
and founder of rest retreats
current, thank you so much for joining me today.
Corinne Coppola 00:02:05
You're welcome, Marlene. My pleasure, and it's just to
let you know the pronunciation is Cor.
Lorilee Binstock 00:02:11
paula. Thank you so much for for correcting me because I probably would call you
in the whole time. So thank you so much.
Corinne Coppola 00:02:19
No problem. No problem.
Lorilee Binstock 00:02:23
Well, first of all, I wanna talk about your journey to get you to where you are now.
Really, what made you want to work
as a mental health coach.
Corinne Coppola 00:02:32
a really good question. I never thought I wind up here for sure.
When I was a little girl, I told my parents that I wanted to be
counselor, you know, back then, it was called count
we're not therapist and they said, well, you're not gonna earn any money doing
Lorilee Binstock 00:02:50
Corinne Coppola 00:02:52
you better go into business. So that's what I did at the time.
And then I found my way
is in the business world for a number of years worth for profit for profit,
have my masters and organization development, and then just
radio and Mindfulness as a practice to help
ground me, keep me steady. I had three young the children at the
And I thought, wow, This is really a way that I can help service
people and help them because it helped those practice
this really helped me so much. And then
I started teaching, and then I worked for a long profit bringing wine centers to this
and I started working on retreats and
things just... And then I was brought to a cactus
Lorilee Binstock 00:03:42
Corinne Coppola 00:03:43
called Internal family systems. And I thought, wow, This is really phenomenal.
And powerful for me and my own healing journey
and I thought I really
wanna be able to do this with people. So that
they can also rewrite their past.
And that's how I got to where I am.
That being said, there's also, you know, some traumas around my
childhood and my adult wife that came to play into
being motivated to heal.
You know? And that how now
I am working with people and one on one of small groups and
leading retreats and
I could not
the more alignment and more grateful and
Lorilee Binstock 00:04:31
That's so wonderful.
You know, it's it's interesting. You... You know, you were working
in a traditional setting
even though you were were
you know,
empowered by mindfulness
But was it the trauma that actually
had you
move to towards, you know, being the founder of
these retreats and and
Corinne Coppola 00:04:58
Lorilee Binstock 00:04:58
all of this and even trauma recovery
I know that you are specialist with was there was there
something that clicked where you said. This is what... I wanna go this route.
To help people recover from trauma.
Corinne Coppola 00:05:11
Yeah. That is such a great question, Laura.
We'll we piecing it together by your great questions.
So, yes, the answer is yes. Well, when I first started,
taking yoga.
I belong to a gym, and one of my girlfriends just like, oh, you've gotta a
you gotta come to this eight am Sunday class and like,
No. That is my hurting to down. No. No.
That won't be happening. And the
The other side of that, actually, when I began my younger jury,
my youngest... My oldest daughter was only about two years old, Eighteen months
to two years and I was working part time finishing my masters part time And one of my friends had said
you really gotta try yoga the class like, okay. What else?
for those are you familiar with yoga, Is
the final relaxation pose. And when I went into Last,
I felt like I was home.
Lorilee Binstock 00:06:11
Corinne Coppola 00:06:13
I was like, wow. This is pretty powerful.
But then I had my second child, and I had
difficult birth. So, like, I wasn't, you know, it it wasn't then what it is
now because he's twenty two. My daughter is twenty four.
And I have another son. Who's twenty, you know, twenty years ago, there wasn't the knowledge
prenatal yoga was okay for women who had complications.
So then fast forward to my youngest being three
And my girlfriend inviting me to this
class at the gym and I... And she was a phenomenal instructor finally, I went
she's a phenomenal director, and I thought
Okay. I'm gonna get back to yoga in a serious way.
So found studio that was close to my house and
that I had originally gone to years before.
And started to do additional classes there.
And while there? I was volunteering at the front dash
and there was a buck
by a woman by the name of maya.
And it was about how she healed herself.
Lorilee Binstock 00:07:22
Corinne Coppola 00:07:23
From like stage for cancer through our you
practices that were in her background, that she had been a go go go, you know,
fashion designer in New york and it was called a path of practice.
I was just fascinated by that, and
Monday, I was in
a group setting. I was in a trauma recovery group.
Myself is a participant for sexual abuse. I had
experienced from a close family member
I hadn't had these memories until I was forty. I am now fifty six.
I thought to myself when I was in that group, I it just came to me.
Like. Oh,
This is how yoga has been so healing for me.
I have to bring these practices to women and children.
You know? And from there, it was Gave Emerson
and Best
I think I was in their second cohost of a for
trauma for
I mean you excuse me yoga for trauma.
And my journey sort of just
started to unravel from there. Started to... I I went
myself on a retreat for women
survivors of sexual violence, and then they invited me back the next
year to co. So I co that retreat
for ten years, and it was so
for me to see the transformation that could happen in two and a half days.
Lorilee Binstock 00:09:05
Corinne Coppola 00:09:06
by being in nature by being in play.
We weren't talking about our stories. Right? We were in our bodies. There was
movement, light yoga, drama, some meditation,
you know, just really back to being a kid.
And so then in my
in my jury, I
unfortunately, when my daughter was fourteen, so this is about this was
ten years ago, there is a suicide cluster at
high school. And I thought to myself, I can't just sit
on the sidelines lines with us and knowing how these
practices. We select practices can really hold
I was able to partner with a organization that was
just blossom. This is twenty thirteen, and
you know,
I said to them, we have to bring these practices to this
schools in Northern Virginia, which is where I was living at the time.
And it's sort of
came from that. I worked with them for four years. We got the school board involved.
We had a lot of high schools, you know,
hundreds and then into the thousands of young people and adults
you know, the teachers in the parents and
from there started to do started to co
and manage retreats for teens, and that also adults and
now here I am.
Yeah. It's just sort of, like, following the next best thing.
Right? The next best that, like, I did not have
like, the super plan
And at the same time,
like, I didn't have a pass, but I had a vision.
Lorilee Binstock 00:10:53
Corinne Coppola 00:10:56
Okay. So, like, I knew
nine, ten years ago when I was in close to read that,
I wanna leave a retreat back here in Costa Rica, And this
I'm leading her retreat my first retreat and close rica gut. So
I would really you know, for me, it's just been following the bread.
You know? And with the intention to serve,
the intention to serve, like, how
can I use my guess?
To serve.
And in the same time,
you know, make a living.
it's a long answer to your shared question.
Lorilee Binstock 00:11:35
No. I love it. Thank you so much.
I love what you're talking about when when you talk about your
your experience and this retreat would it was just
play. It was your in your body, you want in your head,
Is that
what your rest retreats are, could you talk a little bit about that?
I... It's a it's an acronym. Right?
Corinne Coppola 00:11:57
Right. Right. It's an acronym. So the r is for relaxed.
Lorilee Binstock 00:12:04
Corinne Coppola 00:12:03
The x is for... The excuse me. They
e is for examine. The s more surrender.
And the t stands for transformation.
these retreats that I guide people on
are different than the survival retreats
that I did. There are elements.
In this retreat.
and I also give one on one
Vip retreats out in Shank critique Virginia where I live part
time on the eastern shore.
And so
the rest will be in the first
two days, you know, as people sort of enter
we're doing a
relaxation, integration, arriving,
The second day, I have a healer who's gonna do a beautiful sound journey
us. You know, then eighty three, we got it three and four we get in
to examine. Right? What patterns
because my the retreat is called killing the heart.
So what patterns have
origin in which I am not
to the potential of who I can be
inner world.
Right? It's sort of beginning to what
called ex the heart.
So practices, like,
each each day, will be seen out. So, for example, covered in compassion.
Right. Love and letting go. So we have to let
go of some things in order and have compassion for us
and the honors so that we can... We can be on this continuum
peeling. Then you know, they're surrender
Have a surprise
planned, but we also have a magnificent breath that
will be reading us in a workshop
you in terms of letting go, there'll be Journaling There'll be Arch
masked team movie
locks in nature.
And then we get to key
Right. That the acid surrender where we're letting and go and
we have
I'm just gonna say we have a musician coming in.
To really help us let go on our levels.
We'll be doing sunset.
Fire circle. And then the t is for transformation in the last
two days the last day is a cacao ceremony
with a
woman psychologist who I met last year who was down there, and she's
from close to Rica and just this beautiful healing hard
three hours ceremony yummy that we'll be having. And I'm keeping it small.
Intentionally, you know, eleven spots.
With some women who are
really just
phenomenal and are there to do
some deep work. You know, this... It's not
therapy. It's not... You know, that's not what I'm
what what my intention is, it's really
to create the safe community safe sacred community.
women can show up
as their best sounds, like,
all of their parts parts that
have been forgotten.
Like, who was I? When I was six seven eight years old and
I was magic and
Lorilee Binstock 00:15:43
Corinne Coppola 00:15:44
who took away that magic, like, loving reconnect
with that spirit, that sacred inside
so that
I can then bring these practices into my life.
live in a way that is in alignment with
who I wanna be and who I am.
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:04
Well, nick... You know,
you talked about
and make hear you talking about parts. I have a lot of respect
for I. I'm actually an I Therapy every week.
Is do you bring that to
your respiratory retreats.
Corinne Coppola 00:16:19
it depends on
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:26
Corinne Coppola 00:16:26
what the client wants
Right? So for the one on one,
Yes. Absolutely. For this small group,
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:39
Corinne Coppola 00:16:38
this is not is not the focus. However,
I can't not do it.
Meaning that... You know, that's who I am is
you know, speaking in, like, some of the journaling quest
will be internal family system based, but it's not as if
we're going to be having therapeutic sharing circles. Right?
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:00
Corinne Coppola 00:17:01
That we're gonna be doing parts work.
That's another type of retreat that I host. So
you know, it is... There will be parts work
And at the same time, it's not going be
group therapy.
People are there also to... Like, what's really important to me is
the four or five hours of quiet time that we'll have every afternoon.
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:22
Corinne Coppola 00:17:25
So if you wanna sit by the pool and be quiet,
That's awesome we'll go to your room, take a nap. You wanna go into
excursions to go kayak, horse horseback writing,
lessons, you go do it, Zip lining, you know,
so that people can really
customize this experience to what they feel. They want and need
to that
you know, everything is optional. That's really, really a
important to me is to give everyone choice.
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:52
You lasts
Corinne Coppola 00:17:55
You know?
Because we're all adults.
And oftentimes in life, we feel like we don't have choices.
I mean, you know, that's free. I can only... I should only speak for myself.
Lorilee Binstock 00:18:05
No. I feel that too.
I feel that too. I feel last week, I actually gotten a ski accident
And I feel like I could have a... I I there I have
choices to say, I need to rest. This is before the accident.
Because my life was just jam packed with so much stuff and
trying to catch up from the end of last year.
You know, from the holidays. And I was like, oh my gosh. I need a break, but I
Corinne Coppola 00:18:33
Lorilee Binstock 00:18:33
just felt like I couldn't get a break until I literally gotten in a little skiing
then all of a sudden, and I was in bed for a week, and I was like, I really feel like the universe is listening to me.
Corinne Coppola 00:18:40
Lorilee Binstock 00:18:43
But, yes, it was it was really, you know,
there are times where I'm like, I feel like I'm in adult, and I don't have a choice. Like, I have
Corinne Coppola 00:18:48
Lorilee Binstock 00:18:52
to cook dinner. I have to, you know, I you know, I
to do all these things. So it's nice. You know, I've looked at your treats so I'm like, oh, is
you know, this would be amazing for me. Unfortunately, my husband
be leaving to go out of the country during that time. So I have
be with my children, but I am looking forward to going to one of your retreats.
Corinne Coppola 00:19:12
Oh, beautiful.
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:15
Yes. I
Corinne Coppola 00:19:16
Well, I'm sorry to hear about your your skiing accident.
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:20
you know, it's really funny because
I I literally was telling my my If practitioner nor the week before I'm like, I just
feel like
I I need a break. I need a break. I can't
I feel like I keep going going going, and I feel guilty
I would feel guilty if I was, like, I need
I I'm gonna be in bed.
The thing is the universe heard me and was like, okay. We'll do this. And... You know,
my leg wasn't hurting when I was resting, but it was it was hurting when I was walking.
Corinne Coppola 00:19:46
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:49
So or attempting to. So I I felt like
know, it's one of things here you're you need to break. People need breaks
Corinne Coppola 00:19:56
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:59
sometimes it'll be a forced one.
Corinne Coppola 00:19:59
Lorilee Binstock 00:20:03
And sometimes it's gonna come at the most in opportune times
And I think what I've learned through my healing journey is that
you know, everything kind happens for a reason. Everything happens for reason. This is
the their signs and signals that are telling us, you know, it's time to rest, and then we it
it's our choice to listen and not listen.
Corinne Coppola 00:20:21
Right. I love that.
Like, oftentimes, They'll say to my clients and not only my clients, but
you know, in general, it just comes out of my mat. Like, you're exactly where you're supposed to be.
Lorilee Binstock 00:20:30
Corinne Coppola 00:20:33
That really helps me
when On in a phone,
you know, when I am feeling, like, really,
This is really what's happening. Right.
I'm right where I'm supposed to be
and then the gratitude practice. I mean, I am the huge
huge believer
of how
and sciences proves it, you know, But of how gratitude has really
changed my life.
Lorilee Binstock 00:20:58
Corinne Coppola 00:21:01
You know, the the thing that it most importantly has led me to
is the characteristic of acceptance.
Lorilee Binstock 00:21:08
Corinne Coppola 00:21:09
How can I be really thankful for the
turmoil of that's happening right now in my life?
You know, or in a relationship
then maybe not at that moment.
You know, I'm not able to see the the good in it, but still on being thanks
for it because then I
usually, it is revealed to me
you know,
I am able to see
Lorilee Binstock 00:21:43
Corinne Coppola 00:21:40
just like what you said, you know what the purpose? Oh,
this is leading me to more forgiveness.
Lorilee Binstock 00:21:45
Corinne Coppola 00:21:47
Lorilee Binstock 00:21:49
it's so funny how long it took me to figure that out. It took me
Corinne Coppola 00:21:51
Lorilee Binstock 00:21:53
so long because people be like, in just
grateful. You know, I would have those to do list, like those like, padded
to do list papers that have says, like, you know, here's your
here's a little checkbox box and here right, what you have to do
And at the top of the page, it would say,
I am grateful for blank, and I'm like, oh, that's interesting.
And I would never write it it. I would just write my list.
And I and I'm like... I never understood the
the power of gratitude and
it's also interesting because when I think about earlier in our conversation, you talked about
Corinne Coppola 00:22:28
Lorilee Binstock 00:22:29
you know, the courts pose when when you found chance for and it's
Corinne Coppola 00:22:32
Lorilee Binstock 00:22:33
transformation and epiphany in that moment.
You know, before I went into treatment before I was
you know, went to residential treatment, and I would do yoga. I did... I
I did yoga for, you know,
so lengthening and strengthening and flexibility
And when we would get into And pose, I would literally sit there and think about. Okay.
Corinne Coppola 00:22:58
Mhmm. Mhmm.
Lorilee Binstock 00:22:56
So what are the things I need to do today? And I never understood
the importance of Because when I went to treatment,
was like, I learned this whole idea that Is
where you're integrating
your practice. And I'm like, really? And that changed my life. It
it's funny the things that people tell you because
you know, people like, oh, exhausted is important. I'm like, oh, yeah. Rest is an important shirt, whatever.
And then I you know, you you move on and you do your thing, and then you
you realize, like,
it it just took me so long to really absorb
Corinne Coppola 00:23:33
Lorilee Binstock 00:23:33
the the the practice of rest, the practice of gratitude,
Corinne Coppola 00:23:37
Lorilee Binstock 00:23:38
I'm telling you that really changed everything.
For me, at least
Corinne Coppola 00:23:42
Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. You preaching to the prayer because
know, what I did used to teach public and private
the classes. You know, I would say
Is the most important pose, and
it's also something that you can take at any time you know? And
something that
Lorilee Binstock 00:24:05
Corinne Coppola 00:24:04
we don't do, like, and and oftentimes,
that's what happens is we're we're resting and then everything fits
to the surface. So when people come in,
meditation retreats. It's like
you know, what they call flo straw
because people start falling asleep the first, you know, day or two because they realize
how tiring their body is.
Lorilee Binstock 00:24:28
Corinne Coppola 00:24:29
You know, that it's like the had nod and
people can't stay awake, and that's just like
a normal and
you know, part of what happens it's like, oh, this is what happens when I
dial it down. And there's an officer and speaker name is
Sandra Dawn Smith. I don't know if he's... She's gonna book called sacred rest.
she identifies seven different types of reps, which
I can't rattle off the top of my head right now.
But I just think that is so such an interesting
perspective to look at oh, often ten pages
feel rest as like the physical, but there's also emotional rash
Lorilee Binstock 00:25:12
Corinne Coppola 00:25:12
social rest, you know, all these different types of rest.
That we need, like, sometimes social recipes,
interacting with others. Sometimes social recipes means, oh, I need to pull back.
You know? And and
it's not just as you know, it's not just
what often type, like spa and
you know? No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. It can be for me, what a My
practices is between three and four o'clock every day.
I don't schedule calls or meetings
or anything between three and four so that
maybe it is used to respond to emails, but there's usually
at least a ten minute
ten minute window that I have
for myself that I have to go meditate
pray or
that I do put my head down on a pillow because
that completely
refresh us and something that I learned that you might already know
is that at three o'clock, like middle afternoon, three Homework o'clock our cortisol level.
Lorilee Binstock 00:26:19
I did not know that.
Corinne Coppola 00:26:21
this whole practice that I started
started over the pandemic. I was noticing that... Oh, I'm
pretty tired right now. And three or four o'clock with
was the time when my second day began,
right? And I would work until three or four, and then I go pick the kids up in
school, take them to different activities go over below.
And then when that didn't happen during the pan,
I was able to listen to my body, and I was like, oh, isn't this interesting?
Lorilee Binstock 00:26:48
Corinne Coppola 00:26:52
So that's how it sort of came up for me. It's not like, oh,
let me do this. It was me listening to my body.
Lorilee Binstock 00:26:56
Absolutely. I I... It's it's it's so... It's so hard to listen
your body when there's so many things going on.
So, yes, I think that quiet time that meditation time is
is the time for, you know, to really be able to listen to what's happening there.
I do wanna ask
Corinne Coppola 00:27:17
Lorilee Binstock 00:27:19
what does it take to
truly achieve
Corinne Coppola 00:27:26
First to all. That is a great question.
I when retract the word achieve.
Lorilee Binstock 00:27:35
Corinne Coppola 00:27:35
And so what does it take to a
achieve transformation because
that then makes it a goal.
Right, which we all want, like we all want
there's different
life, like, right before this call, I happen to be at a in a
yoga class, and the the teacher was just notice.
I said... You need to be teaching in Costa Rica, and I didn't know that she was
you know, how did the teacher trading program of this studio and then a little block?
She's like, well, you know, I have my kids and Da. And
I thought... Yeah. Yeah. But you can maybe go
guest teach. You know to myself. And, like, what
what could the possibilities be?
So I think one of the first things we have to get out of our own way
And when I say we have to get out of our own way,
people talk all the time about, like,
letting go of limiting beliefs.
I don't know flip that on the head, maybe and
maybe open yourself to
a possibility.
open yourself to the possibility of
what do I really enjoy doing? Maybe it's baking cookies.
And you start
baking cookies these a little bit more and giving them away. And then all of a sudden,
you have a cookie business.
Lorilee Binstock 00:28:59
Corinne Coppola 00:29:02
Yeah. I'm saying. Wait, It's just really
asking yourself the question,
if I didn't have to be perfect at
I would like to blank
Right? If I didn't need to be perfect,
what what is one thing that really lights me up?
What is the one thing? And it may be
I... You know,
and and it's out at this moment. Like, I didn't know when I started
on this path, like, when I started taking Yoga again,
that I would someday
Lorilee Binstock 00:29:43
Corinne Coppola 00:29:43
an internal family sister's practitioner, mental health coach
and running retreats. Like,
I didn't have that vision. I just knew that
taking yoga that and then maybe teaching you love because
what I did in the past,
you know, part of my job with presentation when I
worked in organization development, and I
trained people in parents management, and They trained people on
career consulting. You know? So
and and leadership development. And I... So I knew that I loved
getting up in front of groups. I had no problem doing that.
And then the passion that I had for Yoga,
because of how it was healing me and it was allowing me to be in my body.
Well, I wanted to bring that
to everybody. So then I, you know, got into a teacher training, and the teacher training about ben was
you know, two years long, every other weekend, I did three hundred hours. So
went out to Montana. So that's what I would say is the first step is just
like, be open say quietly and say,
what does really lighten me out?
Do I really love playing pick?
You know? I mean,
what do I love
doing. Do I love gathering people?
maybe you... Maybe you love cooking and you want to have a
Vegan cooking quad like, I'm not making this up. You know, what
What is it that
light you on a fire.
And then follow that. So that's the first
thing that I would say. And then the second thing is
you know, so that you're
you're open and accepting
whatever is happening
in that moment, Like, I went through a water suffering, and I
still go through suffering. You know, it's not... It's not like, oh,
I'm happy go lucky and the... You know, it happens to be
a great day today on
blessed enough to be on this call with you. I went to yoga the class. I
walk the die. I did some work before all that.
You know? But it's it's having this theme
a gratitude
and when you're grateful soul throughout the day, and then your more
accepting of... Okay.
you know, my child's stark at me or my
my partner, you know,
made a really
in inappropriate comma lake
what am I doing to accept what is happening?
So that I don't have to be in suffering.
And suffering happens when
we want things to be different than than they are.
And I'm gonna hear to tell you, like, there was a day
when I was going through my divorce, but I had two hundred and sixty dollars
in my checking account,
and I'm speaking to myself.
What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?
So I could sit there.
And I could
And I can think of all the ways that this wasn't fair.
I can
the grateful form go for walk.
Shift my perspective. You know, I have a house, and my kids are healthy.
You know, I have food and
in my cover that I can make for dinner, and it's not always gonna be this
Like, the two words that are helpful for transformation, I feel
are for now.
This is only happening for now.
Good bad.
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:19
Corinne Coppola 00:33:22
In between
you know?
So those are some of... That's how I think I would
you know, answer your question is more around
like, acceptance being with what else.
And then, you know,
for now.
And and knowing what what lights you up,
you know, what are you passionate about?
And it's if I was doing what I'm doing
now it's not like, I woke up at a bed and who's was like, oh, I'm gonna run retreats and
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:53
Corinne Coppola 00:33:52
mister week. No. I didn't have something in that way. It's taken me ten years.
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:56
Corinne Coppola 00:33:57
Right. So
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:59
Corinne Coppola 00:33:59
Lorilee Binstock 00:34:01
Did... Is this is this what you hope?
For your clients,
after they leave your retreats,
Corinne Coppola 00:34:07
And then, absolutely, that
and and that has happened. And even, you know, just in
and when I work with clients one on one,
it can be so powerful, like I a client
this past week that she's had a lot grief in her life.
You know, three of her brothers passed away while she was growing up. I mean, it's just really
heartbreaking. And
when she came into connection,
her grief
And it felt like these cotton balls in her chest and that it was
just all of her heart breaks and she was able to turn towards that and have compassion
support. She's now much open
and loving in her relationship with her partner.
Because she had a fear
being in an intimate relationship
because of all the grief from now she's had in her life, and she's also were
Lorilee Binstock 00:35:02
Corinne Coppola 00:35:03
a young widow. You know, she was a young widow. So
you know, it's really about
giving people hope
that you're hopeful about the future that they're
is a purpose to
my life, and then I can start over and
a couple of my clients that have been
to one on one retreats to me out, and she could take
they know are establishing
really thriving businesses because of some
you know, past things that they were able to let go of.
So once you clear that out, right, it's the ex of the heart.
Once we clear that out,
then it's like we can be open to the next
And at the same time, during those transitions being open to the grief,
I'm an empty nest, and I thought I've been an empty semester since
the fall of twenty twenty one and I thought, okay. Well,
you know, a year, I'll be, you know, on this little bit of a roller close
physically. But, you know, I gotta tell you the fall hit
of twenty twenty two, and that grief
was there a little differently, but it was still there.
you know, just being with
what is happening and accepting it and not pushing it away.
Right? It's really about turning towards the difficult stuff.
When we turn towards it, and we can have compassion and we stop running from it.
Then we can understand what the message is.
What that part is needing, what we're eating
So I can talk all day about this, Obviously,
Lorilee Binstock 00:36:50
Well, It's... It's amazing.
Corinne Coppola 00:36:53
Lorilee Binstock 00:36:53
What you're doing. And I I do wanna ask how how often do your
streets go
Corinne Coppola 00:36:57
Lorilee Binstock 00:36:59
Do you have them?
Corinne Coppola 00:37:01
yeah. So I'm
This is the first week long that I'm doing her eight nine
eight days seven nights. This is the first what I'm doing.
All the other ones have been weekend retreats, you know, three days
two nights. I'm planning on expanding
this coming fall to doing them
four days three nights and, you know, partnering with different people.
after I do my one in Costa going and come back to these
Lorilee Binstock 00:37:34
Corinne Coppola 00:37:32
post I'm actually going to be going on a road trip.
So I'll be focusing mostly
my online clientele and not doing any physical
retreats until the fall of twenty twenty three.
Lorilee Binstock 00:37:48
Corinne Coppola 00:37:49
Mhmm. Mhmm.
Lorilee Binstock 00:37:51
Well, that's great. I will be looking for. Please keep me posted on those.
Because yeah,
Corinne Coppola 00:37:53
I will. I will
Lorilee Binstock 00:37:57
and wanna hear more. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Corinne Coppola 00:38:02
That is such a great question.
I would like to add
and might not do this justice, but
the quote.
Like, even doing the smallest things with the greatest amount of love.
Lorilee Binstock 00:38:18
Corinne Coppola 00:38:19
That no matter where you are in your life right now,
How can I show up?
With the most loved for myself or the others, Like, even if it's
doing laundry.
Like, can I do this?
In a loving way in a grateful way.
just doing the smallest things with the greatest lives because
it's really not that hard to be kind.
I just went to
see a man named auto last night.
And it was just such a lovely movie.
In terms of how
in terms of, like, a testament to how kindness
small kindness.
Can change your life and save a life.
Lorilee Binstock 00:39:03
Yeah. I
Corinne Coppola 00:39:05
Say that's really what I would say. Is just even in the
smallest ways, like,
It so might sound corny, but right, before you pick up the phone to make a call,
that has to be potentially
honor, like a service calls for an Internet problem.
Right? Can you smile?
And send the person live on the other side because
they're doing the best they can too.
Lorilee Binstock 00:39:32
Corinne Coppola 00:39:33
Lorilee Binstock 00:39:34
Corinne Coppola 00:39:34
Lorilee Binstock 00:39:36
Current, thank you so much. I really appreciate you joining me today.
Corinne Coppola 00:39:41
Thank you, Laura. It's been
real real deep honor and
for your for you to extend me your invitation and
to have the opportunity to write
an article for your magazine. I'm just so honored
Lorilee Binstock 00:39:57
You... I honored for you to join us.
And let me... Am I saying your name right? Career?
Corinne Coppola 00:40:03
Lorilee Binstock 00:40:05
I got it. Alright.
Corinne Coppola 00:40:07
You got it more.
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Surviving Childhood Trauma
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
This is a LIVE replay of A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast which aired Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 at 1130am ET on Fireside Chat.
Today’s guest is David Crow, Author of the multi-award winning Memoir, The Pale-Faced Lie: A True Story. Through grit, resilience, and a thirst for learning, he managed to escape his abusive childhood, graduate from college, and build a successful lobbying firm in Washington, DC. Throughout the years, he has mentored over 200 college interns, performed pro bono services for the charitable organization Save the Children, and participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. As an advocate for women, he will donate a percentage of his royalties from The Pale-Faced Lie to Barrett House, a homeless shelter for women in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Psychedelic Inclusivity & Accessibility
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
A Mother’s Purpose
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
This is a LIVE replay of A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast which aired Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 at 1130am ET on Fireside Chat.
Today’s guest is Michelle Wagner. A children’s book author and advocate for families with special needs children. The main character in her book series, Mickey, is Michelle’s real life 14-year-old son who was born with hearing loss in both ears and wears Cochlear Implants to aid him in his hearing journey.
Michelle has dedicated her life to making sure Mickey has the best medical care and resources. She assists families as they work together through the different approaches to raising a special needs child.
Lorilee Binstock 00:01:57
Welcome. I'm Lorilee Binstock, and this is A Trauma Survivor Thriver’s Podcast.
Thank you so much for joining me live on Fire side chat where you can be a part of the conversation as my virtual audience. I am your host, Lorilee Binstock. Everyone has an opportunity to ask me or our guest questions by requesting the hop on stage,
but we do ask that everyone be respectful. I will try to get you as soon as possible.
Today's guest is Michelle Wagner, children's book author and advocate for families with special needs children, the main character in her book series Mickey on the move, Mickey,
is Michelle's real life fourteen year old son who was born with hearing loss in both ears and Where cochlear
implants to aid him in his hearing journey.
Michelle has dedicated her life to making sure Mickey has the best medical care and resources, and she insists families
as they work together through the different approaches to facing a special needs child,
Michelle, thank you so much for joining me today.
Michelle M Wagner 00:03:16
Thank you for having me, Laurie.
Lorilee Binstock 00:03:19
Well, you know,
I think this is amazing. You know, you we we kind of compensated briefly...
Through email, but you know, you talked about, I didn't realize it, but Mickey was adopted,
and you didn't know at the time during the adoption
There was any hearing loss.
Could you talk a little bit about that process
of adoption.
And when you discovered,
he actually
had some hearing loss.
Michelle M Wagner 00:03:53
He so we decided my husband
at time and I decided to adapt,
and I had had
cousin in Ohio had just adapted it to
very sweet
from Russia, actually,
we decided to
do the same. We had enough resources, and I researched and met other parents
that went through a bay area here where we live
adoption agency,
and then also
you know, with resources to help guide us through the entire process. It was long about a year and a half. And
when they finally
found Mikey for us and an orphan in Tomorrow,
who's was about sixteen months old,
and we had to take three trips to Russia to visit him,
and he was so sweet and smiley,
we made a connection with him.
And they had just mentioned that he had ear infections, and it was twenty below zero in cold.
Lorilee Binstock 00:05:03
Michelle M Wagner 00:05:04
that might have been, you know, a significant factor, and he was also born premature.
And once we...
Once the adoption process
was finished, and we brought him back to California,
we shortly there thereafter realized
that he was not hearing,
and we took him to an ear nose and throat specialist.
to a special hospital Ucsf,
where an cardiologist
in a special team met with us, And they said he was
profoundly deaf in both ears.
So he had no hearing,
and they asked if we wanted a
hearing and speaking trials
assigning child, and then we would take the, you know, take it from there. And so we decided to give him every opportunity possible.
we he was able to get bilateral
implants, so that was implant in both ears, and it was a very
intense operation and time in our lives, and we had a way
you know, to be approved, and then to get the operation and recovery was a couple months,
then he was implanted and
his processors were activated,
and he was
three years old at that time.
And now he is fourteen, and he has thriving,
Lorilee Binstock 00:06:31
Michelle M Wagner 00:06:32
playing sports, and,
you know, we still do speech lessons every day, but the whole entire journey has been extremely rewarding.
Lorilee Binstock 00:06:42
Oh, that's so amazing to hear.
You know, being being a parent
without having a child with special needs is is challenging.
Does it like for you through the the whole process and and and raising a child
now he's fourteen with in thriving, which is incredible.
What would you how would you describe
a special needs child?
Michelle M Wagner 00:07:10
Aside... Aside from being, you know, rewarding, I think it was actually
a gift
and something that
sort of
required me really stepping up
to the plate and
doing the best that I could
you know, they say god doesn't give you anything you can't handle
Lorilee Binstock 00:07:33
Michelle M Wagner 00:07:34
shortly after we adapted him.
My his dad and I separated,
and we went through a pretty lengthy divorce while we were going through the whole
cochlear implant
you know, it had its challenges
I at that time,
you know, I decided to do whatever I needed on my end.
To be the best mom that I could and take this
gift and challenge on
you know, it's the best of my ability.
you know, every everything
now when I look back,
all all everything that we have gone through and are still continuing to go through
I think, me us both, you know, more
empathetic and
Mickey as actually a an extremely empathetic
He really cares for others.
He likes helping others,
it's it's been, very rewarding.
Lorilee Binstock 00:08:42
So you wrote a book series
Mickey on the move.
Based on your son.
What brought that on?
Michelle M Wagner 00:08:54
Well, I am I'm a realtor now. And I've been in a business design business, although
Lorilee Binstock 00:08:57
Michelle M Wagner 00:09:00
you know, right at a high school, I went to college for teaching and
that paid off. But, you know, it's actually
the Covid, you know,
What hope it gave to us
sort of...
Maybe right the book. I... Mickey and I were living with
my then
rick, and,
you know, we were,
you know, pretty much on lockdown like everybody else.
I had had people suggest, you know, I write, you know, other authors, and I always wanted to bring more awareness.
To cochlear implants. I coached every sport, Mickey was on,
Lorilee Binstock 00:09:36
Michelle M Wagner 00:09:40
you know, baseball Soccer,
and has been you know, an advocate without realizing it really what I was doing was just being his mom
you know, being working from home,
you know, doing more things at home with Mickey to sort of homeschool him and educate him here.
you know, we weren't really interacting with the outside world. We got chickens
Lorilee Binstock 00:10:06
Michelle M Wagner 00:10:06
plant bigger garden and
I just really wanted to bring awareness,
and it... You know, I just took a shot of it. And
the first book really ended up kicking off, and that was mickey on the move,
and it did... So. Wow,
You know, let's just by many people that I do a series,
and so,
you know, it took some time, but
I... This like a book came out and it's one a bunch of awards already. And really when and has done is
educate everybody, and I donate to schools
because, you know, we should celebrate
all our unique differences
and the things that make us all special.
And the only way we can really do that is through education.
Lorilee Binstock 00:10:52
A hundred percent. I think that that is such a beautiful
way, especially during Covid and you took during this difficult period,
you you just took
this opportunity
to raise awareness
about your son,
and and I just absolutely love that. It's just it's
it's so heartwarming for me when I think about it.
And you know, what was it like for for Mickey?
In school growing up with
these cochlear and implants.
Michelle M Wagner 00:11:37
It was... I mean, he knows really nothing else.
Like, you know, I like I said, he's just... He's received so much love and something that I always like to really emphasize on
is that
adults and children alike,
you know, all we all really need is is love
Lorilee Binstock 00:11:57
Michelle M Wagner 00:11:58
you know, a little enthusiasm as
and I
I... You know, Making and I did as much as we could.
I'm grateful for the all the time I was able to spend in the classrooms,
You know, he did not attend a typical classroom,
you know, as most children do
until he was
in the fourth grade, and it was here where we live
in the next block.
Which also that inspired my book
because he was able to ride his bike to school when we when we first began, he was at special school.
It was in San Francisco,
and it was a special day class
for children that were just implanted
was a preschool,
and, you know, they really emphasized on speech, and then
that was an hour in a half from our house.
It And then he eventually
got into a school, which was forty five minutes away.
It town called Santa Rosa
there, who's also in a special day class with other kids with cochlear implants.
Some of them had some other disabilities
And we just
you know, went
jumped both heat into everything.
I encourage him to try everything possible
you know, play every sport. We had very long days with a, you know, forty... With basically two hours of driving, and then we would do
you know, speech after school, We've had a wonderful speech therapist
here in our term. Her name is also Michelle.
Lorilee Binstock 00:13:32
Michelle M Wagner 00:13:33
She's become part of our family.
you know, even now that High school, he is
still seeing her because,
you know, we
just... You know, I... Like I said, like, from the very beginning, both his dad and I wanted to make sure he was able
to access every opportunity possible.
Lorilee Binstock 00:13:58
any challenges that he face.
Michelle M Wagner 00:14:11
Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of frustration
and there was when he was younger,
not wanting to keep the cochlear and implants earn,
for those people that
don't really know much about cochlear
implants, First of all, it's one of the great advances of modern
That that's her true. For Know, they're they're truly
Lorilee Binstock 00:14:32
Michelle M Wagner 00:14:34
you know,
from hearing aids.
And and they just... They directly
electrically stimulate the acoustic nerve.
So he has something on the inside of his head, and then on the outside, he wears ten of mini of emitting computer
and stuff with a magnet that attaches to his head. And as anyone can imagine, you know, sometimes kids have a hard time wanting to wear sunscreen or a hat
and making had these magnets on his head,
you know, that sometimes they wanted to rip off. He rather, you know, he would throw off or
you know, in the beginning, there were times I think he had headaches
from then when he was first and planted.
Lorilee Binstock 00:15:19
Michelle M Wagner 00:15:20
you know, with the speech barrier and learning language at an older age.
It was really hard for him to explain what he was wearing on his head.
to other children and to other parents. And that really
that really inspired me to write the books
And even, you know, when we're traveling,
when I first wrote the book, mickey kind of used the books of a business card.
Lorilee Binstock 00:15:47
Michelle M Wagner 00:15:48
There's a picture of the implant
and what the cochlear looks like. And what's on the inside of his head along with what goes on the outside of his head.
But there... You know, there were the challenges were just trying to explain why
he is quote him unquote different.
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:05
What was his reaction when you published the book?
Did you ask him for a permission to write it in the first place?
Michelle M Wagner 00:16:10
Yeah. I yeah You know, I mentioned it to him and he loves books. He especially looked like books. He's very visual.
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:14
Michelle M Wagner 00:16:21
And, you know, I just said, I'm gonna write a book
i book about you and book about your cochlear implants so he knew
And then the day, you know, we would,
you know, once I
work for the publisher and got the print
you know, version just like, on my computer or Pdf, I would print it out. We colored it together.
And and then once we receive the card copy of the book, he could not believe it. And I mean, he was just telling everybody. He was,
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:46
Michelle M Wagner 00:16:50
you know, the best little salesman.
Lorilee Binstock 00:16:53
I bet.
Michelle M Wagner 00:16:55
I he he was just wrote. And then when the second one came out, he was even more thrilled.
And, you know, he is so proud of it, proud about it. He's proud of where he is today, how far he's come
and, you know, all of our our joint achievements.
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:14
So you you did talk about him in sports.
Has there... Has there been any challenges
with with with sports or anything?
Or... It's like anything. It's just a learning curve.
Michelle M Wagner 00:17:30
Yes. Well, no. There...
It had its own set of challenges
up until about three years ago, as cochlear implants there is no way to swim or do any type of water sports with them on.
Lorilee Binstock 00:17:43
Michelle M Wagner 00:17:45
And in the second vocal making began move, farming,
I touch on that because now they have developed,
like, aqua calculator leaders,
and it's... You know, you just... You have to
put all these extra devices in waterproof onto cochlear implant.
And making now has had definitely,
you know, adapted to
doing this on his own. But as you can imagine, a young child needs help getting dressed,
And so Mickey always, you know, needed help with with everything. So in the beginning, he
he loves to swim and
he was just... He couldn't hear anything while he was swimming.
So I would teach either other children
swimming with him.
Or when we did swimming lessons as much signing as I could
just... To in order for him to be able to interact
and understand with the other kids
what was going on
and things like that
as far as wearing a magnet and a processor on your head, you can imagine when you're running around, it just falls off.
Lorilee Binstock 00:18:53
Michelle M Wagner 00:18:54
And so wait... You know, just talking to other parents
that's why I'm always happy to talk to other parents who have children with cochlear player implants.
Some... Another parent had told me about buying wig tape
And because it's like double white tape and just using it on the back of the cochlear so that it sticks to his head.
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:09
Have you tried it? Has it worth?
Michelle M Wagner 00:19:17
Oh, we've been doing it since I found out about it. So since was probably four years old,
we've been doing that
because it works better than actually
connecting like a string that it attaches to his clothes to do it.
and then as started playing like baseball soccer, all of that,
I found special helmets when he was playing,
like, little league,
and they actually have an extra space inside the helmet.
for like, so the cochlear
cochlear implant and the outside has room. But none of this happened overnight. None of this was easy. You know, I meant this is twelve years later. And when I look back now,
Lorilee Binstock 00:19:55
Michelle M Wagner 00:20:00
you know, it seems
that we were able to go through that and
be here where we are today because
there was a lot of
you know, very
hard challenging times. And,
you know, I tried to have a positive outlook on everything and
I think my positive attitude
snug on Mickey,
Lorilee Binstock 00:20:24
Michelle M Wagner 00:20:24
he that... And he doesn't
you rarely will see him too frustrated.
you know, my patience
You know, I I mean, it was is what I wanted you. I always wanted to be a mom,
Lorilee Binstock 00:20:41
Michelle M Wagner 00:20:41
you know, I never imagined getting divorced. Shortly after
finally becoming a arm, especially after, you know, going through a long adapt process.
And it was a hard time for me as well. And
and actually, ten and a half years sober now
Lorilee Binstock 00:21:00
Michelle M Wagner 00:21:00
because I chose
to the the healthiest lifestyle said so that I could have,
you know, really
a lot of clarity with each day, and I could give mickey my all because, like, you know, that was what he deserved and,
you know, thinking now
what might have happened to if he stayed in that door... You know, orphan engine russia.
I just really...
I put him first
you know, I... It's...
You know, I had a lot of support through community and family
and friends
very supportive
of everything. And
I think the best way to, you know, gain support is to be open and to share and I shared
you know,
everything that I was feeling and going through and,
you know, through that today
you know, I don't think that there's anything that comes
our way that we can't try and take on.
Lorilee Binstock 00:22:03
Was there...
And you said
You've been sober for ten years.
that's incredible.
Michelle M Wagner 00:22:11
Thank you.
Lorilee Binstock 00:22:13
Did you have a support system around you to help get you
Michelle M Wagner 00:22:20
Definitely. The same support so done that making and I have had through, you know,
you know, you know, not being typical in his
implant. I,
you know,
I was...
I say lucky now that I was able to go to a program
rehabilitation program here in the Bay area
so that I could totally take on
educating myself
about addiction
and, you know, what both processes were kind of
similar. And
always, you know, I'm person that when I don't know something or when I don't understand something and when Mickey was implanted, we registered
in the John Tracy clinic, which was Southern California,
and it was kind of to teach a parent and child how to live together in a successful way
with with, you know, hearing impairment.
And all the challenges at my, and we did that right away when he was two and a half,
and it was intense and it was for,
Lorilee Binstock 00:23:27
Michelle M Wagner 00:23:30
you know, three weeks. We lived in these dorm with other kids with that were nearly cochlear
had cochlear implants, and it really gave me the ground basis
for how to how for... For how, you know, me and make you were gonna function
in our home. You know, he needed to be quiet. He couldn't go to restaurants.
You know, loud situations were difficult in me
than being able to go
to rehab
to really learn about addiction and how I could live a healthier lifestyle
helped me, you know, and we embrace both of them and
till this day, we still
what we learn from there. You know, I take what I learned from both
John Tracy Clinic, and
Alt, which is the has
place I went to for addiction.
And those are those are a part of our life every single day.
Lorilee Binstock 00:24:27
You know, as mothers, a lot of us mothers, were we're like, oh, we'll just... We'll have a drink and, you know, sometimes
it it...
It gets too much.
But when did you realize that you
needed to get help?
Michelle M Wagner 00:24:48
Well, the thing is I I like didn't even think I had a problem
in Denial, and then I was realizing that I was
sort of drowning my sorrows about divorce,
you know, probably,
you know,
the whole adoption process in itself was very intense
you know, the trips to Russia
and then seeing all those children, you know, it was a lot to handle at the the time. And, you know, I think...
Lorilee Binstock 00:25:17
Michelle M Wagner 00:25:20
You know, drowning my sorrows with a big part of it and, you know, family members,
you know,
like suggesting that I, you know, stopped drinking and I said, no. That's that's fun. And
you know,
finally, I just...
They got to be
too much, and I, you know, was dependent
on it and
you know, I knew I couldn't do it on my own. I knew I needed to help,
then I wasn't gonna
be able to stop on my own and
you know and, like, just like with
you know,
finding a place like the John Tracy Clinic for him to go to. My family members help find one of the best places I could go to
because time was of the essence.
Lorilee Binstock 00:26:12
Michelle M Wagner 00:26:13
Mickey was nearly implanted.
I went right when my divorce was finalize.
And it's one of the best gifts I've ever given myself
to this day.
the community
that I've met through through that here in a local town in just
everybody worldwide, you know, I've spoken
you know, at all kinds of seminars and differently have clinics and
huge participate in meetings and advocates for that as well.
And I'm very open about it. And, you know, because of that, I think I've been able to help a lot of people
with that as well.
Lorilee Binstock 00:26:52
I mean, just listening to you, I feel like there's so many people who are just going to
just say,
Yeah. Me too.
Me too. And and maybe just from you just saying that they'll say maybe I should get some help. So I think
what you're doing for yourself, what you're doing for Mickey is just incredible.
you know, going back to what you were talking about,
you know, Mickey playing baseball,
you know, my daughter, she plays baseball. And on her team, there's a boy who
who is deaf. So he's he does fine language. He doesn't wear implants.
Just the sweetest kid. And, you know,
when I think about myself growing up, I feel like that wouldn't have
been a thing. Like, everyone loves this kid, and everyone supports this. Kid everyone's rooting for this kid, and I feel like
so many people do that because there's so much awareness about,
you know,
people's differences.
And how we should celebrate everyone's differences, and I think that your book does exactly that. And I think,
you know, I I I feel... I'm... I'm sure you give yourself enough credit for. But I really don't know if you do because I think it's such a beautiful thing for
for other kids to be able to be like, oh, this is this is normal. Just... This is this is...
We we wanna celebrate
and, you know,
makes me cheer up because I think it's just so sweet. So I feel like what you're doing and in writing this book and creating awareness, not only around your own situation,
Michelle M Wagner 00:28:24
Lorilee Binstock 00:28:32
but Mickey as well.
And I think that's for a trauma survivor driver's podcast And that's that's kind of
the whole premise is to,
you know, whether it's little t traumas or big traumas,
you know,
showing that people can be resilient and, you know, you said earlier about your
your attitude, your positive attitude and how that rubbed off A hundred percent of believer that that positive energy gets transferred
because even I notice it with my children when I'm in a bad mood and I'm being negative.
My kids are not happy, and they're also negative.
Michelle M Wagner 00:29:13
Lorilee Binstock 00:29:15
Right. It's it's... And and And so making... And also making that change that you did and and going to get sober.
And being sober for ten years, I mean,
he i I'm not sure if he knows exactly what has happened, but he can feel that he can feel that
that energy.
Michelle M Wagner 00:29:35
Right. And I I I agree and you know, he doesn't. It's hard for him to understand because he
you know, with his premature birth and things has have a lot of cognitive delays also. So it's
it's not like you know, the only challenge we have and his hearing loss,
You know, And he's just learning now how to read and
you know, it's... We have,
you know, it's it's... You know,
it's, you know, still long road ahead.
you know, now, you know, a topic lately that's
come up and
you know, I've taken,
like, fully on
because I'm I'm grateful that like using so me as a best friend and this so the worthy of me and you know, it's me you choose us to talk to about puberty,
Lorilee Binstock 00:30:21
Oh, that's wonderful.
Michelle M Wagner 00:30:27
and all this, you know, And it's, of course, he's older than most children moved publicly
be interested in it and stuff. But, you know, I I kinda of a... As a, you know, mom master dad or a step dead being the one he wants to top too,
asked other parents in Sent because this is this is my first time, you know, talking to about going through puberty with a fourteen year old boy and all the questions that come with him, and I've had so many people.
So openly share with you know, what they have used
and techniques in books and, you know, I always open,
you know, to suggestions, and it's really helped us
was that at the moment?
Lorilee Binstock 00:31:11
What is your biggest tip or suggestion for parents
with special needs children.
Michelle M Wagner 00:31:20
Just to
just love it, you know, I always go back to
loving them
you know, a resilient
you know, is a great model for every resilient
and a parent that gives it there all and never gives up
you know, is just
you, and very,
you know, a part of that child's life is the best thing that
truly that you could do,
but a positive attitude
and just being able to be open and engaging
and, you know, always they're always there for them.
Lorilee Binstock 00:32:07
Michelle M Wagner 00:32:07
Is is is all a child's needs, and it's
the same for adults similar for for adults. I mean, everybody needs,
you know, a friend, a hug
some love,
you know, we're we are all social animals,
You know, I think I I have done everything up until this point, and we'll continue to use that to allow Mickey to feel in every social situation.
Lorilee Binstock 00:32:35
Are there more books in the series to come?
Michelle M Wagner 00:32:38
There are...
Right now, I am working
and book number three,
and there there will be an of sports. And as I mentioned about the special helmets and things like that and you know, there's been a football player.
Lorilee Binstock 00:32:45
Michelle M Wagner 00:32:54
He used to play for the
that had cochlear implants, and that's how they made the special helmets where that whole thing came from and how I was able to source
a helmet with a space or a cochlear implant
when he was playing little league.
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:06
Michelle M Wagner 00:33:08
And another author of children's books, and she does...
She writes books about each football team, and she's the cheerleader of the book.
You know, I met her. I'm from Chicago. She's in Pennsylvania, but we've connected, and
she inspired me and
kind of,
you know, encouraged me to start writing.
you know, she hasn't said a look at about the forty writers.
so we are gonna also call great a book together aside from the members three from Move.
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:42
Wow. So you're busy.
That's amazing.
Michelle M Wagner 00:33:45
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:47
Did you ever imagine
the success of the series.
Michelle M Wagner 00:33:51
No. That is for her. I never thought I would have to run so many prints of it. I never imagined it would win so many awards
Lorilee Binstock 00:33:52
Michelle M Wagner 00:34:01
But really, the thing that warms my heart the most is how much
Mickey loves it, how proud he is of it.
Lorilee Binstock 00:34:07
Michelle M Wagner 00:34:07
And how schools
actually now worldwide,
not just in the United States are really taking it as part of their curriculum.
Lorilee Binstock 00:34:17
Oh, that is incredible.
That is amazing.
You must be so proud.
Michelle M Wagner 00:34:23
I I am. I... Yeah.
Lorilee Binstock 00:34:26
Michelle M Wagner 00:34:26
And we police. But, yes, ma'am.
Lorilee Binstock 00:34:29
Wow. Well is there anything else that you'd like to add?
Michelle M Wagner 00:34:35
I think that just... You know,
we we can all do the unimaginable
if we put our hearts into it and
we could all,
you know, get be very supportive to the friends and family and children around us.
And, you know,
know. But nobody or
can do things on their own. It's not afraid to ask for how and that's something I really modeled for Mickey,
you know, and in my sobriety,
you know, asking for help,
in learning more about cochlear
influence asking for help.
I always keep my door literally open.
And I'm willing to help
Lorilee Binstock 00:35:17
Suppose. Thank you, Michelle for joining me today. I really appreciate having you here and just learning
more about what you've done in your story. I think it's beautiful.
And and
absolutely wonderful. So thank you so much.
Michelle M Wagner 00:35:33
Thank you, Lorilee. It's been a pleasure.
Lorilee Binstock 00:35:36
Well, that was Michelle Wagner, children's book author and advocate for families with special needs children for more info on Michelle. You can click on that scrolling fortune cookie right there on your screen, and that will send you to her website where you can purchase her book
Michelle has contributed to July issue of authentic insider you can catch that issue by going to my website from survivor drivers.
Thrive dot com. That's trauma
thrive dot com.
November issue is out now. And if you haven't already
subscribe to my emails list to get authentic insight our magazine in your inbox monthly.
Thank you so much for joining me today.
We will be taking a break for the holidays, but we will be back in January
With an awesome lineup up of guests. So please follow me on Instagram and all of my social media platforms to see what's happening in the meantime.
You've been listening to A Trauma Survivor Thriver’s Podcast on Fireside. I'm Lorilee Binstock, have a safe and healthy holiday season.
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder
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This episode aired LIVE on Fireside, Wednesday, October 2nd and has been edited due to technical issues.
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A Stolen Boyhood
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Stephen Mills' Resource Page:
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Surviving Child Abuse, Sex Trafficking & Institutional Abuse
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Traumatic Invalidation
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